My RSS Now Includes Whole Posts
I realized that my RSS reader displayed full articles for some blogs and not for others. That made me investigate the matter on my blog.
I usually prefer to read everything in one place myself. I understand it’s tempting for some portals to monetize through ads or deals when people visit them directly. It also allows them to track traffic, user behavior, etc. to focus on creating content that sells better.
However, I don’t have any ads or tracking, and I don’t plan to introduce them in the foreseeable future. And I’m all in for letting people consume the content in the way that’s most comfortable for them. I believe that serving the whole posts over RSS also makes them more accessible for people with specific needs, who require bigger fonts, higher contrast, or text-to-speech because they can customize everything in one place.
My blog’s RSS used to include only the description
tag with the first paragraph, but now you can read everything if your reader supports <content:encoded>
The blog is powered by Hugo so it was only a matter of changing image rendering to use absolute URLs and including the <content:encoded>
tag for each post in the theme.
I also updated the theme to use new Hugo configuration options instead of the deprecated ones to silence the build warnings that were soon to be errors even though I don’t use them. I found out that the standard authorship tags were also missing from the rendered XML, so I updated them to match the variables defined in my site’s config.